Proudly serving America to maintain our Freedoms...

July 2024 Meeting

Opening Ceremony

Sergeant of Arms, John Bynes marched the colors to the front of the room-posted them in their stand and Commander McGill led the members in a hand salute. Chaplain Bill Loucks offered the opening prayer. Commander McGill read the American Legion statement to honor all missing U.S. POW and MIA's. Members viewed the empty POW and MIA logo embossed black chair on display. The Commander led those present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution.

Previous Minutes

Adjutant Larry Agle summarized the minutes of the June 2024 meeting (available at ) which received approval by a voice vote, with Chuck Saunders making the motion and seconded by Bill Loucks. The motion passed.

Executive Meeting Minutes

The executive meeting minutes from June were summarized and Jim McGill made the motion to accept the minutes, and it was seconded by Andy Anderson.  The motion passed.


Adjutant Larry Agle presented the current financial report. The report received approval by a voice vote, Howard Rohner making the motion and seconded by Andy Anderson.  The motion passed.

Membership and Recruiting Report

Membership Officer Larry Agle gave report and there are currently zero members, registered, who have paid their dues for 2024 – 2025 fiscal year. The 2025 dues (1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025) are now due and members can renew by mail, in person, or online.  Dues are $40.00, with the Post keeping $7.50 and the balance going to the Department of North Carolina ($9.00) and the National American Legion ($23.50). Mail payments to American Legion Post 104, at P. O. Box 104, Sylva, NC 28779.

Members can pay their annual dues on line at the National Headquarters web site . To complete this action, have your American Legion membership number and a credit card available. As you finish, you can print off a temporary membership card plus a receipt to serve as “proof of membership” until Membership Officer Seay mails or provides you a permanent card.  Dues can now be paid for multiple years at a time; Doing this will protect you from rate hikes.

Business and Announcements

1.     Prior to the start of the meetings Marylou Rock gave a presentation on her role as a junior counselor at Girls State.

2.     Guest Louis Lusk, a Desert Storm Marine, is now a member of Post 104.  Welcome Louis!!!!

3.     The Legion Riders and members of the post donated $200 to the Honor Flight.  Howard Rohner made the motion that the post donate $300 to the Honor Flight, and it was seconded by Andy Anderson for a total of $500.  Sheila Setzer will be the recipient of this honorable flight!  

4.     The / Legion Care 2 - $1000 in free life insurance.

5.     The breakfast scheduled for Saturday July 13, was cancelled.

6.     Jim McGill, Debra McGill and Chuck Saunders went to the convention which entitled them to a $200 reimbursement from the post.  Jim and Debra both waived their fee.  Chuck Saunders asked that the post just pay his dues this year in place of the $200.  I agreed to that since it saves the post $160.

7.     Commander McGill asked for people to step up and fill positions that need to be filled.  If anyone is willing to help the positions are Americanism chair person.  They would be the lead contact person for the Oratorical Contest.  We need someone to be the chairperson for a visitation team.  A public relation chair person. Lastly, but not least is the position of a Historian.

8.     NCWORKS, Greald Ball, , can help out veterans with many different needs.

9.     VA and DMVA are very good magazines for veterans.

10.     Register of Deeds is able to verify veterans' status if the need arises.

11. a good suicide prevention source.

12.     A motion was made by Dave Seay that the post join the Chamber of Commerce, it was seconded by Bill Loucks.  The motion passed.  The cost is $155.00 for the first and $135 annually thereafter.

13. ADS Drainage Systems in Ohio donated drain pipe to Bill Louck's church.  A thank you letter is being sent out for helping a veteran and church in need.

Funeral Details

We performed zero funerals since the last meeting.Thoughts and Prayers / Sick Call

·     John Bynes had skin cancer removed

·     Judy's son, Sydney, has esophageal and stomach cancer.

·     David Zachary still looking for a new home.

Please keep these folks and their families in your prayers.

Closing Ceremony

Chaplain Bill Loucks offered the closing prayer, Commander Debra McGill led the group in a hand salute and declared the meeting adjourned at 2019 hours.

Respectfully presented,

Larry Agle, Adjutant

Post Minutes...